A personal message from WC Edgar...

My friends, I love everyone from every walk of life, regardless of religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or the color of their skin

To the citizens of Ukraine, Panama, Mexico, Canada, Palestine, and the rest of the world
Not 'all' Americans support President Elon Musk nor his minion Donald Trump but this time the 'un-educated' in America made their voices heard

Simply put, the United States of America can not and will not survive under the thumb of this narcissistic, fraud, failed reality show host, Nazi wannabe, or his billionaire puppeteer until he is rotting away in a federal prison cell in an adult diaper with his illegal wife & entire family of grifters, then burning in the fires of hell for eternity for crimes against humanity

Soon, the red maga hat will follow the confederate flag, KKK, & Nazi swastica as world symbols of hate & division

Those of us around the globe who still believe in love, empathy & the word of law, will & shall continue leading this fight of good vs evil

Respectfully Yours

WC Edgar
